Admiral Bertram Ramsay (#261)

This post covers another unsung hero of the Allied invasion of Normandy — Admiral Bertram Ramsay. Ramsay was the British Admiral who served as the Allied Naval Commander-in-Chief, Expeditionary Force (ANCXF) for Operation Neptune. The entire D-Day Invasion was known as Operation Overlord; the naval portion was known as Operation Neptune.

This year, I am doing a series on leaders and leadership in the European Theater of Operations (ETO) in World War II. This is 12th in the series. Check out the blog to see them all or go to the links at the bottom of this article to see the most recent ones.

Admiral Bert Ramsey

Admiral Sir Bertram Ramsay was a leader very much like General Eisenhower vein: a supreme organizer rather than a seagoing commander, directing operations from a headquarters rather than an admiral’s bridge. He was also the person behind not one but two of the greatest naval operations ever mounted. A quiet, stoic, modest person, he demanded much of his staff and himself. His attention to detail was legendary, howere he also was willing to delegate to and supervise the work of junior officers around him.

Born in London in 1883, Ramsay joined the Royal Navy in 1898 at the age of 15. He quickly rose through the ranks, earning a reputation as a skilled and innovative officer. During World War I, he commanded a monitor which help keep the German Navy out of the English channel and allow the free flow of supplies from England to the Continent. He was promoted in 1917 to the command of a destroyer which took part on a raid on a German port where he was recognized for his heroism.

After the war, Ramsay married Helen Margaret Menzies. They had two sons.

Admiral Bertram Ramsay's leadership and strategic planning skills were demonstrated during the Dunkirk evacuation in 1940. Known as Operation Dynamo, Ramsay was appointed as the Naval Commander-in-Chief responsible for the safe evacuation of over 338,000 Allied soldiers who were trapped on the beaches of Dunkirk. Despite the difficult circumstances, Ramsay's coordination of the naval operations allowed for the successful evacuation of the British Expeditionary Force and enabled them to fight another day. Ramsay's leadership during the Dunkirk evacuation showed his ability to remain calm under pressure and to think strategically in times of crisis. He became a favorite of Prime Minister Winston Churchill for his efforts.

In 1942, Ramsay was appointed as the Allied Naval Commander for the invasion of North Africa, known as Operation Torch. He was responsible for coordinating the complex naval operations that supported the landings and ensuring that the troops received the supplies and reinforcements they needed to succeed. Ramsay's experience in North Africa proved invaluable when he was appointed as the Allied Naval Commander-in-Chief Expeditionary Force (ANCXF) for the Invasion of Normandy in 1944. No British officer got along better with the Americans and Eisenhower in particular than Ramsay.

He oversaw the planning and execution of the naval operations (Operation Neptune) that supported the D-Day landings, including the transport of troops and equipment across the English Channel. The plan for the naval aspect of D-Day was several inches thick — the movement of 2,468 landing craft; 1,656 minor craft; 1,213 warships which included 6 battleships, 23 cruisers, 81 destroyers, and 247 minesweepers, had to be carefully coordinated and synchronized.

Ramsay decided that the pre-invasion bombardment would only last 20 minutes in order to maintain the element of surprise. In retrospect, the defenses on Omaha Beach required a more extensive pre-invasion bombardment than 20 minutes.

Sadly, Ramsay did not live to see the end of the war. He died in a plane crash in January 1945, just months before Germany's surrender. Admiral Bertram Ramsay played a critical role in the D-Day landings and the Allied victory in World War II. His leadership and strategic vision helped to ensure that the landings were successful and that the Allied forces gained a foothold in Europe.


Ramsay was an unsung hero of the D-Day invasion. Take a moment and recognize one of your unsung heroes who is doing huge behind-the-scenes efforts to make your company, unit, or team a success.


The last five blog posts on leaders and leadership from the World War II European Theater of Operations are:

General Omar Bradley


Montgomery’s Chief of Staff

Liberty Ships, LVCPs, Shermans, and Mustangs

Walter Bedell Smith

Interested in bringing your team to Leadership Experience (Corporate Staff Ride) that uses historic case studies, like Admiral Sir Bertram Ramsay during D-Day to enhance your team’s leadership today? TFCG offers the D-Day, Market-Garden, and Battle of the Bulge Leadership Experiences in Europe. TFCG also offers the Eisenhower, Currahee!, the War in the Pacific Museum, and Pearl Harbor Leadership Experiences in the United States. Send me an email and we can start the discussion today about building better leaders in your organization using a historic Leadership Experience. Or click on one of the pictures to learn more.

In the meantime, go on the offensive and recognize one of your unsung heroes.


Easy Company, 506th PIR - Training (#262)


General Omar Bradley (#260)